
Friday, June 8, 2012

A Winner & My Birthday Celebration Challenge #2

Thanks to each of you who entered Challenge #1.  All of your entries were amazing!   
Sadly, only one can be a winner and by random pick the WINNER for Challenge #1 is:
#8 ~ SANDI B
Email me at ... with WINNER  in the subject line ... to claim your
 Heidi Swapp Sugar Chic Prize Package.  

and now...
I LOVE music so your next challenge is  to create a LAYOUT and  you must include as your TITLE and/or JOURNALING,   lyrics from one of the songs listed below by five of my favorite vocalists:

It's A Beautiful Day  (India Arie)
Wind Beneath My Wings (Eddie & Gerald Levert)
Inseparable  (Will Downing)
Never Give Up (Yolanda Adams)
For You (Kenny Lattimore)

and here is this week's prize:
(Bo Bunny " Country Garden" 6x6 Pad, Trinkets, and Layered Chipboard)
To be eligible for the prize drawing:
  • You must be a follower become a new follower of my blog
  • Your entry must be new as of June 8, 2012 AND can be combined with another challenge. 
  • Add a direct link to your post below by June 14th 2012 ~ 11:59 (PST) using Mr Linky
Click HERE to check out all the details of the celebration  if you would like to be eligible to enter this month's BONUS PRIZE drawing for  a $20 gift certificate to the
for a chance to win another BONUS Prize Giveaway, visit Rochelle Spear's Blog


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by Jojorenee! Would love to see your take on this challenge!

  2. Congratulations sandi!
    Great song choice Brenda :-)

  3. Congrats Sandi!! Ahhhh, NICE prize!!! I will see what I can do!

  4. Wow, thanks for the great prize. Now to start working on challenge #2. I scanned the lyrics of each song and have a couple of ideas in mind. Hope to get the layout done this weekend. Again, thanks for the Heidi Swapp prize.

  5. What a fun challenge! I loved reading the words to these songs! Here is mine:

    1. Hi Andrea thanks for playing along with this challenge and I am glad you enjoyed the lyrics to the songs. Your layout is adorable. Please make sure you link your layout below using Mr Linky because that is where I pull the names for the random drawing.

  6. I just posted mine. I also used it for the Sketch challenge at Paper Secrets.
    Thanks! Janelle

    1. Great that you were able to combine this challenge with another one! Thanks for playing along this week!

  7. I just posted mine to Mr. Linky. I also used the PS lyric challenge on my layout. For your challenge I used the song "FOR YOU".

    1. Nicely done Sandi! You pulled one out of the hat combining two lyric challenges! WTG!

  8. I just entered my layout in my gallery at Paper Secrets. I used It's A Beautiful Day.

    1. Perfect lyrics for your lovely layout! So glad to have you participate in this weeks challenge!

  9. I just entered my layout in my gallery at Paper secrets and linked (I hope). I used Wing Beneath my Wings. I also combined it with syao week 20! :D

  10. Got it Lisa! I really need to get the photos I took several years ago at the National Air & Space Museum scarpped! Thanks for the inspiration and also for taking this week's challenge!

  11. A few years ago...we went to the one in DC..have yet to scrap them...these I just happen to have printed and sitting on my desk (I uncovered them when I cleaned) it just happened. I'm glad to inspiration to somebody with such talent herself. :)
